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Matches for cheaper books, 9 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

Wed Oct 29 23:06:40 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   !s cheaper books

Sun Feb 23 05:53:06 UTC 2014  <mircea_popescu>   all the kids bought books afair, mostly because it was cheaper to buy the book than to photocopy

Wed Oct 29 23:06:40 UTC 2014  <assbot>   4 results for 'cheaper books' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=cheaper+books

Tue Mar 17 02:31:40 UTC 2015  <asciilifeform>   obligatory naggumism: ''It is like going to a library full of books that took 50 man-years to produce each, inventing a way to cut down the costs to a few man-months per book by copying and randomly improving on other books, and then wondering why nobody thinks your library full of these cheaper books is an inspiration to future authors.''

Wed Feb 26 06:23:40 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   channelling herr naggum: 'It is like going to a library full of books that took 50 man-years to produce each, inventing a way to cut down the costs to a few man-months per book by copying and randomly improving on other books, and then wondering why nobody thinks your library full of these cheaper books is an inspiration to future authors.'

Wed Oct 15 19:24:32 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   'It is like going to a library full of books that took 50 man-years to produce each, inventing a way to cut down the costs to a few man-months per book by copying and randomly improving on other books, and then wondering why nobody thinks your library full of these cheaper books is an inspiration to future authors.'

Tue Jan 07 00:36:11 UTC 2014  <BingoBoingo>   mircea_popescu: I've been putting money on Auburn at as many books as I can that haven't been rather conclusively labeled scam yet. Cheaper exercise than the one you did with Patrick Harnett.

Wed Oct 29 23:06:53 UTC 2014  <assbot>   Logged on 26-02-2014 06:23:40; asciilifeform: channelling herr naggum: 'It is like going to a library full of books that took 50 man-years to produce each, inventing a way to cut down the costs to a few man-months per book by copying and randomly improving on other books, and then wondering why nobody thinks your library full of these cheaper books is an inspiration to future authors.'

Tue Nov 11 03:41:33 UTC 2014  <assbot>   Logged on 26-02-2014 06:23:40; asciilifeform: channelling herr naggum: 'It is like going to a library full of books that took 50 man-years to produce each, inventing a way to cut down the costs to a few man-months per book by copying and randomly improving on other books, and then wondering why nobody thinks your library full of these cheaper books is an inspiration to future authors.'